The Unseen Dangers of The Content Rat-Race

Chris Cownden
3 min readApr 8, 2021

Did you know you might be co-existing in a content rat-race right under your nose?

A street rat looking for its next meal
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

One where…you are busy all the time creating up new ideas for your content, drowning in fear of putting out the wrong message and then aggressively hunting for the next big thing to magically change your business. You get stuck writing a tonne of content to no avail. You have these social media influencers that preach that creating more content will get more likes and followers.

Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

I can remember when I got stuck in the network marketing world, how hard it was to get attention without feeling spammy, salesy, needy or annoying. I knew I did and that was the pivotal point I needed to change my game.

I know that most business owners feel the same way I did then, because I can see the confused messages in everyone’s content and the lack of originality. Thoughtless content that provides little value and wastes a lot of your own time when you need to spend it making sales.

To win the race or get out the race entirely, you need to think less like a hungry, obsessive rat but more like a dynamic multi-tasking octopus. One that relies on nine brains and eight arms to find food. One that has several highly developed strategies to hunt its prey.

An clever octopus catching its prey
Photo by Serena Repice Lentini on Unsplash

Now, I’m not saying you should hunt your customers because that is ethically wrong, but a clear and carefully considered plan on how your content sits within the wider marketing mix, will ensure all your content works as hard as it can with the least amount of effort.

Businesses that take the time to build a strategy before firing out video content are more likely to reap the rewards and those that don’t, will be missing the trick. A video marketing strategy helps you repurpose content you’ve already created, built trust, drive traffic, build your brand awareness and help you brand with story on a 24/7 basis.

“Let me help you succeed with video”

All the best, Chris



Chris Cownden

A video marketing freelancer with big goals.